Liturgical Ministries
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distribute the Body and Blood of Christ. Some ministers also take Communion to parishioners confined to their home, nursing homes or hospitals. Training is provided.
Readers proclaim the Word. Training is provided.
Altar Servers
Any boy or girl of the parish, in the fourth grade and older, is eligible to be a server. Altar Servers assist the Priest during Mass. They are also asked to serve weddings and funerals. Training is required and provided.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
This ministry is provided to Children Preschool through third grade. Children are excused from Sunday Mass to the Daily Mass Chapel before the readings begin. An adult with or without a high school student leads the children to an understanding of the readings of the day on their level. Children return to their seat after the Prayer of the Faithful.
Ushers also act as greeters in making people feel welcome when coming to Mass. They also help in finding seats when necessary,take up the collection, invite people to take up the gifts and help out in any other way necessary.
Per the Office of Safe Environment of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, all individuals intending to volunteer at St. Joseph the Worker Church must first become Safe Environment Certified prior they can be permitted to volunteer in any capacity. A volunteer is defined as anyone who deals directly or indirectly with children and has been active in the parish in the past year. To become certified, individuals must complete and pass a background check, sign the Questionnaire for Receipt of Policy Relating to Sexual Abuse of Children, and complete awareness training online or in person. If you are certified from another diocese, only those from Virtus will be accepted by the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston. Please click on the Safe Environment Certification Packet below for more information.
Safe Environment Forms
Religious Education
Becoming Catholic (RCIA) – Adults who are interested or would like to become a member of the Catholic Church will come in by way of the Catechumenate and the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). This is usually structured as a weekly meeting with a systematic explanation of the faith along with an introduction to the Church’s teaching, morality, liturgy, and prayer.
For children who are age seven or older, they will come into the Church through the RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation of Children.) For adults and children, they will have one sponsor each. The sponsor must meet the same conditions as godparents to be sponsors, as they serve a very similar function in the service of the Church. (See section on Baptism for Sponsor Requirements) Please call the D.R.E. at the rectory for more information.
Gabriel Project
The mission of the Gabriel Project of West Virginia is to protect and honor life by providing immediate, practical and compassionate assistance to needy pregnant women and to families with infants and children two years of age and younger. Through our tangible support we help parents give their child a healthy and safe start in life.
The Gabriel Project always needs diapers, wipes, baby wash, shampoo, lotion and donations of money. Please bring the items to the rectory.